This page shows two ways how to fill separatorlist or Formlist
To do this, all we have to do is the same step shown above, except in step 2 ... instead of the above code, put this code, with a small detail, the class Teste is a DAO class created earlier (click here to see how do that) [Fig. Class DAO]
public Response actionIndex() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException{
Page_home model = new Page_home();
Page_homeView view = new Page_homeView();
Teste teste = new Teste();
List<Teste> lista_teste = teste.findAll();
ArrayList<Page_home.Separatorlist_1> lista_final = new ArrayList<>();
for(Teste lista: lista_teste) {
Page_home.Separatorlist_1 separa = new Page_home.Separatorlist_1();
separa.setMae(new Pair(lista.getMae(),lista.getMae()));
separa.setPai(new Pair(lista.getPai(),lista.getPai()));
separa.setIdade(new Pair(lista.getIdade()+"",lista.getIdade()+""));
separa.setNome(new Pair(lista.getNome(),lista.getNome()));
return this.renderView(view);
Step 1: First of all, create your application and connect to your database, create your page and put a separator list [Fig. 1]
Step 2: Then, click "JAVA" and your controller put this code below, specify your connection name [ex. teste_isac_pg_1] and your select [ex. SELECT nome as nome, pai as nome_de_pai, mae as nome_da_mae, idade as idade FROM public.teste]
public class Insert_fotoController extends Controller {
public Response actionIndex() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException{
Insert_foto model = new Insert_foto();
Insert_fotoView view = new Insert_fotoView();
model.loadSeparatorlist_1(Core.query("teste_isac_pg_1","SELECT nome as nome, pai as nome_de_pai, mae as nome_da_mae, idade as idade FROM public.teste "));
return this.renderView(view);
and voilá [Fig. 2]... it's show the data is stored in test database[Fig. 3]